Kamis, 01 Desember 2022

5 Kegiatan Produktif yang bisa dilakukan di Rumah, Penuh Makna


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2020 adalah tahun bersejarah bagi seluruh penjuru dunia namun bukan hanya bersejarah saja, tahun tersebut juga mengajarkan kita makna rumah sesungguhnya disebabkan berita yang mengejutkan dunia tentang penyebaran wabah penyakit virus corona yang mematikan, lebih dari setengah juta orang yang tersebar di 175 negara meninggal dunia atas virus ini. 

Oleh karena itu pemerintah mengambil langkah awal untuk himbauan masyarakat agar tetap waspada dengan menggerakan kampanye #DirumahAja selama virus ini masih mengalami peningkatan bahkan sampai sekarang. Maka dengan ruang gerak yang terbatas banyak ide kreatif bermunculan untuk membuat masyarakat tetap produktif walaupun dirumah saja, kali ini Olymplast telah merangkum hal-hal yang dapat kamu lakukan ketika harus bekerja dari rumah berikut akan dibahas dalam artikel ini 5 Kegiatan Produktif yang Bisa Kamu Lakukan di Rumah, Penuh Makna!


1. Mengerjakan Tugas

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Biasanya mengerjakan tugas adalah suatu satu hal yang selalu ditunda-tunda oleh sebagian orang, disebabkan banyaknya aktifitas diluar rumah yang padat sehingga tugas tidak terselesaikan dengan tepat waktu namun pandemi mengajarkan kita bahwa waktu sangatlah penting, dan rumah menjadi tempat ternyaman untuk mengerjakan tugas.

Selain itu pandemi membuat kita sadar bahwa rumah bukan hanya sebatas bangunan saja tapi makna rumah jauh lebih dari itu, salah satunya  kita bisa mengerjakan tugas dengan tenang karena tidak akan banyak disibukkan oleh kegiatan-kegiatan di luar, seperti rapat organisasi, penelitian lapangan, kegiatan UKM maupun berkumpul dengan komunitas-komunitas yang diikuti dan biasanya banyak menyita waktu. Oleh karena itu, waktumu di rumah menjadi lebih banyak, dan pandemi kemarin merupakan pelajaran hidup yang sangat penting bagi kita untuk memaknai arti rumah.

2. Membaca Buku

Bosan di rumah aja! seolah-olah pernyataan ini membuat kita tidak bersyukur bahwa banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan dirumah agar tetap produktif seperti membaca buku yang merupakan senjata paling ampuh untuk membunuh rasa bosan tersebut.

Pandemi kemarin adalah waktu yang paling tepat untuk membuka kembali lemari bukumu, cari buku-buku bagus yang pernah kamu beli, bersihkan seluruh debu yang menyelimutinya dan mulailah membacanya agar jika sewaktu-waktu pandemi telah berakhir kamu bisa mengaplikasikannya secara terus–menerus bukan hanya pandemi saja.

3. Berolahraga di Rumah

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Rumah bukan hanya sebatas tempat tinggal saja namun kita bisa melakukan kegiatan produktif salah satunya olahraga di rumah apalagi pandemi kemarin membuat kita berminggu-minggu di rumah saja, maka dengan adanya pandemi membuat kita bisa manfaatkan waktu untuk berolahraga di rumah saja.

Seperti kita ketahui bahwa olahraga sangat penting untuk tetap menjaga kebugaran dan kesehatan tubuh kita. Ada banyak aktivitas olahraga yang bisa  dilakukan sendiri di rumah, seperti yoga, zumba, kardio atau menari. Kita juga dapat bermain bulutangkis dan senam di depan rumah ataupun sekadar jogging disekitar lingkungan rumah.

4. Mengembangkan Kemampuan Baru

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Daripada rebahan atau melakukan hal-hal yang tidak produktif lainnya, kamu juga dapat memanfaatkan waktu di rumah untuk mengembangkan kemampuan-kemampuan yang mungkin belum pernah kamu jajal sebelumnya.

Salah satunya kita bisa mengeksplorasi kemampuan-kemampuan dasar yang dapat kita kuasai untuk menghadapi era Revolusi 4.0 ini. Era Revolusi 4.0 yang serba teknologi dan otomisasi ini menuntut kita untuk menguasai beberapa kemampuan sekaligus. Seperti, kemampuan bahasa asing, desain grafis, content writing, UI/UX, pemrograman dan masih banyak lagi. 

5. Mengikuti Kelas Daring atau Webinar

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Pada saat pandemi banyak berbagai informasi  yang kita dapati untuk mengikuti kegiatan daring. Mengikuti kelas daring atau webinar merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sangat produktif untuk menambah pengetahuan dan membantu kita dalam merancang masa depan.

Hal ini karena biasanya kelas daring dan webinar telah mempersiapkan pemateri yang kompeten dan berpengalaman di bidang tertentu. Oleh karena itu, Mengikuti kegiatan daring di rumah akan mempermudah kita untuk menentukan langkah yang akan kita ambil ke depan.

Nah, itulah 5 Kegiatan Produktif yang bisa dilakukan saat #DirumahAja. Buat kamu yang masih suka rebahan atau suka melakukan hal-hal yang kurang produktif lainnya, yuk mulai sekarang pelan-pelan diubah menjadi kegiatan yang lebih produktif diatas ya! walaupun dari rumah.

Rabu, 17 Juli 2019


Reflective Journal
on July 18th 2019


Today is the last day of meeting in creative writing learning, many lessons were learned during learning to write especially commitment, patience and willingness to write a biography book which is the final fitness of creative writing learning, to make our writing interesting necessary for good creative writing learning so that the writing we are read by others.

Creative writing is one of the lessons that I like in this semester, because the existence of creative writing learning makes me realize that writing is an important part of it for an academic like me, already and happy about the creative writing I have been through during this semester. my first start was very hard to learn to write but the long time I made love with menus.

Creative writing emg learning has run out but learning to do it doesn't stop here because there will be many more tasks related to writing especially writing theses and many others. My hope is to keep writing and writing creative writing from this course.

Kamis, 11 Juli 2019


Medan, On July 8th, 2019
Reflective Journal


Learning to Write Creative is more in the end of the meeting, this learning makes me more creative to write the task of writing biographies. I am sure if we often write then we will use it to write our writing, really it works ??? write if we want people to know us, but read if we want to know the world
Learning creative writing makes me more creative in writing, writing is the way I convey the contents of thought in writing, interestingly going to spend the course on creative writing learning but it doesn't make me stop writing all the events that I experience, with frequent writing Successfully writing papers, and being able to create writing but making money, I am grateful to be able to write creative writing courses.
Learning to write by writing biographies that I will start with business and commitment in writing, and can make by writing this is conveying a message to the general public, and I hope that writing works will be more beneficial in fighting many people.

Senin, 08 Juli 2019


Medan, On July 8th, 2019
Reflective Journal


          Back again with an exciting story about creative writing learning, this time I will tell a story about the process of making a biography of someone who is very extraordinary in fighting for dreams to come true, yesterday's meeting discussed the evaluation of increasing biography book making, Alhamdulillah my biography book has improved slightly from before about the page and has been revised a lot and one of the suggestions from the lecturer is to ask the closest friends to read the results of my biography because it is very important so that we know the mistakes in biography book writing so that it can be improved and I have asked some of my friends to check and read the results of my writing.

          The lessons I can take in writing a biography book are about patience and commitment in writing, writing this biography book is a compulsion for me in writing, at first I forced myself to write because this is also a demand for creative writing courses, but over time I became accustomed by writing and maybe this also makes me able to get out of my comfort zone so far.
          The creative writing learning meeting was almost at the end of the discussion and just waiting for the last meeting, UAS while preparing the biography book making and this was the final task of creative writing learning, during the meeting I learned a lot about the meaning of writing for academic background because in the end to complete the S1 program which is to make thesis writing in which there must be original and scientific data without plagiarism.

Thank's, for reading about Creative Writing from me

Kamis, 27 Juni 2019


Medan, On June 27th, 2019
Reflective Journal

The meeting this time was to discuss the development of writing biographies which is the final task of creative writing learning, many of which must be corrected in writing, especially the preparation of editing. I wrote, many obstacles and writing this biography is that I have to divide the time, between college, organization and writing because this is complete I have to do it because it does not close the installation to get out of my comfort zone. writing is important, if we are academics, writing is something we must do.

At that time mam Rahma gave us the assignment to write the program what we had done while making biographies, whether it had increased, or not at all. There are also many students who ask about the format of expecting biographies because they are worried that they are not in accordance with instructions. As far as my development has written a biography, Alhamdulillah has run better which I have to revise regarding the layout but it has not become a problem and this is a challenge for me to be better.

Selasa, 18 Juni 2019


Medan, On June 18th, 2019
Reflective Journal

Like yesterday with a very solid activity because the national essay competition has begun to close, through this essay competition is my way of creative writing, and this is my 6th writing about creative writing learning experiences, during creative writing learning there are many things that I get because some of my lecturers' meetings did not come because there was an important meeting that was difficult to attend, but it did not make me give up learning creative writing, since the first meeting I began to love creative writing because it made me have to read a lot, I think creative writing is a fun lesson because it is not difficult for creative writing, from that start I was interested in learning more creative writing so that I understood how to write good and right
Creative Writing because an Academic more discusses and makes the final writing as a thesis, if not drilled for writing now it will be difficult to write a thesis, so before everything we release needs to be asked about what we should do many readers are inspired by our writing, because by writing we can be known to the world and my lecturers always motivate us all, every writing meeting is very important for us academics.

Note: Creative Writing

Rabu, 08 Mei 2019


Medan, 09th of  May 2019


This time I will discuss specifically about what I have gotten a number of meetings about creative writing learning considering this is the 7th meeting and I will be given the task of reviewing books about Biographies of figures or people who inspire what we think is worthy of being lifted and we can make it as motivation to learn, for Biography writing there are writing rules, so it's not arbitrary to write because it's very important to learn about creative writing so that we know the extent to which writing is good and right.

Writing does not mean not reading because reading us knows a lot of interesting information and ideas for us to make a quality writing. I am the type who likes to read but because I like writing requires me to be diligent in reading and this is the reason I started to love writing I always keep reading because without reading I will not know much about the world. The interesting thing when reading is when it's raining and when I'm relaxed again.

Learning Creative Writing makes me think critically and Creative Writing is a very important lesson because for those of us who like to write, we need to know systematically good writing so that our writing is worth reading and even worth publishing, from hobbies to income.

5 Kegiatan Produktif yang bisa dilakukan di Rumah, Penuh Makna

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